
Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Anyone keeping track of time?

No, I'm not being funny - this isn't a time for humor.  I know it's Wednesday, April 1st.  I've been practicing the shelter-in-place/safe distance rule since March 13th, when I came home from the office and began working at home.  I can live with being isolated - it isn't a sacrifice; it's necessary.  As the instructions say, only go out for fresh air or necessities:  check.  I can live with - and actually savor - the peace and quiet.  I'm trying to make the most out of it.

But no, I'm definitely not happy nor reveling; after five people were let go yesterday, my company also reduced our salaries by 25% through June and that is not a good thing.  Yes, I'm glad I still have a job but no, it makes things very difficult.  Am I smart enough to sit down and map out what I need to do to get through these next three months - yes.  I can't allow myself to be swallowed by negative thoughts and irrational fears.  Planning is the wisest thing I can do.  I'm saving $300-plus dollars over the next three months by not buying a subway MetroCard.  That's money saved right there.  Not having to go out to get lunch at work is $100 a week saved.  And so on.  I know what I have to do to get through this.

My point?  We all have something we need to do to keep on pushing forward and get through the pandemic.  I know I will.


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