
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sundown on summer

Wow.  Just like that - a boiling hot but fun summer is over in the blink of an eye yet again.  I have to admit, I really don't care for the way time speeds right past you as you get older.  You don't get the opportunity to savor certain moments because it comes and goes so quickly.  Nevertheless, this was another great few months - hot, but joyful and fulfilling.

It has to be said that even though I'm now 51, there are times that I do get a certain twinge in September - it was the time of youth (the biggest part, actually) when school was beginning again and it meant another year of learning and growth.  I tend to remember the days of college, when the Fall semester would begin and it was exciting and vibrant.  My university days weren't spent in drunkenness and fraternity nonsense (I did my drinking on weekends and I never joined a frat); I hungered to know and grow and think and open up - as I still do.  You should never want to stop expanding - I don't.  But this particular time of year does conjure up those memories and feelings.  It was also about creating friendships; solidifying relationships and always looking towards the future.  Of course, it never turns out the way you imagine it then, but still...

So another season changes; things start to wither and fade and I start to mentally prepare for the darker moments of winter.  But until the time actually comes, I'm going to savor the deliciousness of these comfortable, sun-filled days.


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