Before the sunrise
And so just as I'd predicted, yesterday was a better day on all fronts than Thursday. A busy, ass-kicking day at work, but in the good sense of getting things done on time and correctly. Meetings, sharing ideas, communicating and tying up the loose ends for the company's holiday party on Monday night. While I'm not a fan of parties, especially ones of the corporate nature, I'm going since this is my first year there and it's for the sake of making a good appearance. All that done and still managed to have a nice lunch with friend Kevin Q. No traffic on the way home last night and although it was cold as fuck, I'm glad I was actually smart enough last Sunday to buy the nice and practical jacket that I had my eye on and wore yesterday. An evening in watching crap T.V. with Liz and an early bed.
While the possibility of The Punch Line getting together to work tomorrow remains a remote possibility, today is a focused chores day--Starbucks, groceries, must get my haircut, etc. Glad that I'm up this early and already feeling the day.
An album you really must buy.
A book you really must read.
Take these two elements and you're set for the next two weekends if all the Xmas stress is getting to you.
While the possibility of The Punch Line getting together to work tomorrow remains a remote possibility, today is a focused chores day--Starbucks, groceries, must get my haircut, etc. Glad that I'm up this early and already feeling the day.
An album you really must buy.
A book you really must read.
Take these two elements and you're set for the next two weekends if all the Xmas stress is getting to you.
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