
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Speed of days

The constant rains and flood have made getting around a bit more difficult than usual. Having spent a fairly calm weekend, we weren't kicked in the head too badly by the downpour (noreaster, my ass).

While I'm still angered by the firing of Don Imus, I'm glad to see that there are those who have the courage of their convictions to kick back against this public lynching. That's all this was. Again--look at the instigators. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Talk about "coward"--Jackson did not at all address (when asked directly about) "Hymietown", which was, as Meredith Viera pointed out, the exact same situation (actually, worse). So simply put, push back the hypocrites and take back the airwaves. Talk hard! (Ten points to anyone who knows that obscure reference).

Musically, a quiet week. Between my daily job and things at home, this hasn't been a musically enriching stretch. However, I do have some new arrangements for a few older songs that I've been revisiting. The beauty of ownership is that you don't have to keep a song that was (for argument's sake) to be part of your band's reprertoire in that vein--you can mess around and reshape it. There were a number of songs I'd written and demo'd years ago that I felt would be suitable for The Punch Line and for some of my other projects, but now, I have that freedom to look at the songs in a different light.

I will not comment on the Virginia Tech tragedy except to say it is just that--a tragedy of the highest order.


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