
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

First of May

Kind of misleading, I know, but this is the first posting of my favorite month.  The weather is behaving nicely - even when it rains, it's still warm and comfortable and seeing things like the cherry blossom outside my apartment in complete bloom makes me feel good.  A balmy Saturday morning in my neighborhood, equals the wonderful smell of freshly mowed grass and the foods coming from the adjoining farmer's market next door.

As always I'm moving forward with trying to shift and balance the creative fulcrum; I've decided to draw back a bit from the writing for Popdose; while "Radio City..." is still an endless source of joy and quality thinking, I'm going to focus on the music again - the stockpile of songs written and aching to be recorded, heard.  So many of my friends can't be wrong:  "you need to finish this album" and "when are you going to get on a stage again?  I want to see you play live" are the most-often repeated questions.  And for that, I'm grateful and inspired.  So why not?  There's no emotional conundrum here; I've just been criminally lazy and negligent.  So I have to stop it and get on my horse.  It's that simple.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't make note that today is 32 years since the moment that changed the course of my life forever and for the better.  The night I met that wonderful girl who made me happy for so long.  While whatever I can remember with clarity of that night brings me nothing but joy of the memory, I am still very sad and somewhat angry that she's no longer alive.  I don't know if that's childish or selfish, but this day will always mean something very deep and powerful for me.


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