
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Springing forward but not there yet...

These last few weeks have been a semi-blur; I have been running on adrenaline and fumes.  The company I work for underwent an office move and I was at the core of the task, which was long, arduous and unnecessarily fraught with frustration upon frustration.  Thankfully, it's over - worked the past two weekends - and I had this weekend to begin the decompression process, starting on Friday night, when I got home.

Had the opportunity to see Elton John give his farewell performance last night; having gone with my favorite person on the planet made the event so much sweeter and meaningful.  And we had a great time, filled with endless laughs (along with a three-hour greatest hits set).  While I was dragging my feet before I left, I did finally come around and realized once I was on my way home, I really needed a night like last night.  To spend time with her and laugh and talk and enjoy great music was the perfect release after the last few weeks being built up filled with tension, nerves and a great deal of unhealthy aggravation.

So now the weather is getting increasingly warmer; slowly, I feel physically better which, in turn, makes me feel mentally sharper.  Been getting back to writing consistantly, albeit without the unnecessary machine-like rapid need to crank out reviews, etc.  The fact is:  I don't get paid for it, so I'm not going to go out of my way.  That's not being unreasonable - it's time and attention consuming and there are other things that need tending to.  The podcast continues to grow in its success in leaps and bounds and while we now have an international audience, I'd love to see revenue come in for that.  But again - who knows what avenues are out there for it to take that "professional" turn.

Spring training baseball is here, tax time - so all I can do is smile and say "okay, it's that time."  And revel in it.


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