
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another time to be thankful

A lot of people I know/have known just love to spew about how thankful they are for this, that and the other - but usually, it's done in a manner of self-serving platitudes and managing to exude their wonderfulness while not taking responsibility for the harm they may have caused others.  Nonetheless, when I read or hear certain individuals deliver their sermons, I just shake my head.  I can't help it.  So let's keep it simple:

I have a lot to be thankful for.  I have a beautiful new home; no debt; my health, friends, things that fulfill me (like music and writing), family and love.  The person I love is healthy after a year of difficulty and we are together and happy.  So no more nor less need be said.

We will shop later today for Thanksgiving groceries and I will savor this year's feast with a great deal of joy.

And my wish to all is everyone be with the ones you love and be thankful for that.


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