
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Sometimes... have to admit when you're wrong.  And I have to be honest - I was completely wrong about this new job.  Considering that I went into it with hope and positive thoughts.  This isn't victimization, but I was misled - grossly - about what was expected of me and the necessary knowledge I would be bringing to the position.  Most egregiously, I was never given any notion about the violently high turnover rate - for both my position and the general staff.  So I'm already in the hunt again.  

It really affected me greatly last week; hit me hard and rattled me so much that I couldn't sleep at all on Friday night.  Watched movies until about 2:30 a.m. in desperation of needing to laugh.  Which isn't my usual thing, to say the least.  But I have tried to shake it off as best as I can and have made it through this week with some semblance of calm and maintaining my sense of rationality and re-focus.  Had several phone calls with headhunters and an actual first interview earlier today.  

Given time, patience and the necessary due diligence, I will find something quickly and move on from this unforeseen headache.

Onward and upwards!


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