
Thursday, March 31, 2005

And in the end...

A strangely beautiful day in this city; ran errands and accomplished nearly everything on my agenda for today. Feel a little tired and I don't think time will allow me to get to the gym this evening. Too much to do; too much to carry/bring home and I still need to get up to Astor Place for a haircut. Unless I get an overwhelming burst of energy, a workout is just not on the cards for tonight.

The sad saga of Terri Schiavo has come to an end; I can only hope she has peace. If her parents and their minions would now resume living their lives, it would stand to reason this young woman may find that peace. I'm very glad that the people I know (friends, family, etc.) have had (now) the good foresight to make clear, in written legal language their intentions, God forbid, something happens to them. Liz and I have long been in agreement that a living will is the smartest thing; I hope some form of good comes out of this tragic and disgusting circus.

Onto the mental preparation for Saturday's recording session. I've already inventoried the gear I'll need and have my items prepared (especially the lyrics for "Inside", which I forgot really is titled "Open Your Eyes", but more on that some other time). Spent some time last night in a state of "method acting", which was what Chris and I termed the approach to some of the songs. We did it a year ago with the prepping for and actual recording of "Tearing Me Apart" -- think, listen to and sound like The Buzzcocks. For "Inside", only The dB's ever came to mind, so here I am again. It sounds strange, but it's a (seemingly) successful exercise for us. And having been reading about The dB's reunion that's currently taking place in the studio, it seems even more apt.

Chinese slippers, anyone?


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