
Sunday, June 10, 2007

It comes and goes

An all-too-brief weekend, but a relaxing one, nonetheless. Work has been ablaze with our upcoming office move; Liz and I have been apartment hunting in Staten Island for ourselves and my dad and I've been slowly mapping out the next musical project I'm interested in.

Groceries Friday means more time on Saturday; a leisurely breakfast followed by a relaxing stop at Starbucks; stop at my father's to bring him his groceries and a visit to the Apple Store to have the iBook repaired (the battery is dead and needs to be replaced). Saw an entertaining horror flick, "Hostel II" (Liz' choice) and lunch at our favorite burger place. An ice cream sundae nightcap and an early evening set a nice tone.

Lunch at Whole Foods today, laundry and like everyone else, we watched the final anti-climactic ending to "The Sopranos".

Off we go into the wild blue Monday!


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