Hey, hey what can I do?
Just read this. It breaks my heart; sickens me and enrages me. I cannot help it, even after all this time. Call it a death knell of the most disturbing order. I've written about this before; spoken about it with several friends and colleagues and still, I cannot help but be dismayed at what's unfolding. Anyway, just read it--please.
On the better news front, I found out that one of my cousins has returned from living in Spain for the last few years and has moved down to D.C. Apart from being glad that he's come back to the States (safely), I'd love to pay him a visit down there--Liz and I have talked about getting away for a weekend in the Capital City for over a year now (as well as having him possibly hook Liz and myself up with tickets to see the Nationals, baseball whore that I am). Welcome home,
On the Synchronic Studios scenario: in a realistic turn of events, should things go according to plan and Liz and I find/will be able to afford/move into a house in New Jersey, then there is no dispute; we will be able to re-build/re-establish Synchronic Studios as a permanent entity in my basement. This came about two-fold. While we were taking a break from rehearsing on Saturday, Chris asked, "if you guys do get a house, would it be possible to set up the studio
again? Would we be able to resume operations for Synchronic West?", to which I said, "well, yes--except now it would be Synchronic East-West, since it would be a single entity" and there was a collective smile all around. The thing is, I'd automatically thought it, but (and apologies belong here, even though I know they weren't necessary in the end) hadn't consulted Liz about the notion. On our drive home Sunday, I asked her and she'd said, "well, I'd presumed all along that I'd get one bedroom for my jewelry supplies and exercise equipment and you would have the basement for the studio", which surprised me, as it would be our house and I have no desire to steamroller her into demanding space for even a demo studio, let alone the full blown layout of what was/will be Synchronic. Like so many of you know, we want my dad to move in, so that's one room (desired design: 3 bedrooms); our room and then the spare, which would suit Liz until we plan on having a child. Thus, the basement (as all good basements usually serve) would be where The Punch Line (and myself) can create in a comfortable, private and cost-effective atmosphere. And you cannot hope for better--there's nothing lofty in this goal; it's completely achievable.
Time for my green tea and mental prep for the work day ahead. Gym tonight and a few minor tasks around the house should make for a quiet evening.
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