
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Minutes and parts

Heard from Chris this morning as per the notion of The Punch Line getting together just to play, at Stage Left, as a band. I'm pleased that we have a date set and that we're on the same page. It will be a healthy exercise--just the three of us with no other stimuli around except the grey confines of a rehearsal room. I can remember the '91 version of The Punch Line doing the same thing in closed quarters--we called them "drills": at least 3 hours of non-stop playing together. If we book 3 hours for the 12th, then we should be quite well-oiled afterwards. As I've said before, it bodes well for recording the last two songs. Apart from refreshing ourselves with the songs we know now, we add on to the repertoire by virtue of the songs we haven't played "as a band" yet and we familiarize ourselves with the songs-to-come.

Would rather be home today on the couch, watching the first broadcast baseball game (albeit it's only Spring Training), since it's the Mets vs. Washington--to see a team return to Washington pleases me. Don't know why, considering the Mets are my team and I'm a born-and-raised New Yorker (any Yankee fans have anything to say, forget it. Fuck you. This is my blog page. Don't even bother). Still, there's an "event" to the "first" games (to which I fully intend to be home to watch Opening Day) and I'd rather not watch the game on videotape, which I'll be doing tonight.

Still trying to get the taxes taken care of for the weekend; would like to get that albatross off our collective neck. Not the inevitability of paying (since we always do); just the hindrance of having to have them done. Ugh. I'd like to plan accordingly, since we both want to hit the gym on Sunday morning (back to our usual routine).

Listening again to Get What You Need, the criminally underappreciated "return" album from The Undertones. What a good, solid, rocking document. If this is what a band delivers after a 20-year hiatus, then imagine what The Punch Line can/will do. It's moments like this when I genuinely enjoy my own music (especially when I compare/contrast with my heroes).

On a personal note, I'm really proud (and surprised) that Zach is now starting to play guitar (as his sister has already begun). I was very moved by the fact that he called last night to ask for my help. I love those kids and will do anything for them, especially if music gives them pleasure. Passing the knowledge down from one generation to the next--it's a good thing.


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