
Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend rewind (a slight return)

While I had a great weekend with Liz, celebrating her birthday and forgetting the world around us, the pain of sciatica and some minor irritations at work have already marred this Monday. Add to the not-as-upbeat-as-usual feeling due to the 2nd day of caffeine/sugar withdrawal and you have a sluggish vibe to this posting.

About the no-caffeine--while I'm not starting on South Beach formally, until this coming Saturday, I wanted to get a head start on making the necessary physical adjustment of stopping the intake of caffeine and (white/processed) sugar. I do not have as much energy as I'm sure I usually do; I have a slight headache (not as bad as late yesterday afternoon) and really, that's about the worst of it. I have my follow-up doctor's appointment this afternoon; I'm apprehensive about the results of my blood test but I'm also going to ask the doctor for a light prescription (if there is such a thing) for the sciatica.

Came on out of nowhere and naturally hindered me throughout Saturday. Could barely move; Liz (bless her heart) did the carrying and lifting of the groceries. Made a very light and fun weekend terribly uncomfortable. Nonetheless, we did have a great three days to ourselves to laugh and unwind. Thursday night was an impromptu trip to Hoboken--dinner and drinks at Maxwell's with Liz; her call and a fantastic night to do so. Watched a great movie on Friday, "Sideways", which did live up to its' hype and acclaim; did a lot of driving (including taking Liz through the Jersey City area where many of my friends live) and spent a lot of time just talking and being together. Daily life gets annoying when you have these sporadic conversations that are interrupted as quickly as they begin and you're really into the topic. It always seems to happen to Liz and myself; subsequently, this was a weekend to catch up on communication.

Even though the sun is shining, I hear the call of 2 Advil and will heed it. More later--when this fog has lifted.


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