
Friday, April 29, 2005

Whip smart?

A slightly grey Friday morning is adding to my mood. After watching some of the President's press conference last night and reading The Nation this morning, I'm trying to comprehend just what were people thinking by electing W.? Actually, it isn't even so much my ire with the President; I'm thinking in vitriolic terms of Tom DeLay, "The Whip", the filth-covered House Majority leader. I get so infuriated thinking about his dealings and his taunting/flaunting and flagrant "I can do whatever I want" attitude towards allegations, investigations and utter disregard for the laws and regulations set by the Houses before his dictatorship. I can't even write coherently right now--I'm already worked up and am unable to think straight. I'll make this brief--the same way Newt "Whew, it's hard being an asshole" Gingrich hounded Democratic leaders that even had a mere whiff of scandal out of their offices and subsequently had to step down himself due to shady dealings, so should DeLay be taken to task and brought to prosecution for all his lawlessness. Enough with turning a blind eye for the Republican Party; the so-called "defenders of the faith" (there's a phrase to strike worry into those of us who still hold sacred the Constitution) have to be aware that DeLay's unwieldy actions will invariably cost them the majority in the mid-term elections next year. Then again, maybe they don't--maybe they won't--and that will be a good thing, when the balance of power shifts back to the Democrats. I'd love to see them standing around scratching their heads saying "what happened?". Pray with me on this.

Finally, a "weekend off" from an overabundance of activities. Was originally going tonight to Joe's Pub with Liz to see Richard Barone (with a special surprise reunion of The Bongos--one of my favorite bands from our developmental period), but having been under the weather and the two of us devoid of energy, a quiet night at home is more the order. No Punch Line business this weekend either, which I will use to my advantage by again trying to get it together with the keyboard part for you-know-which-song. I think tonight, as I approach the apartment, I'll surprise Liz with a nice bottle of wine so we can settle in for the evening with bad T.V. and some good conversation.

Enough to do for the next 48 hours anyway; groceries, etc. tomorrow, gym and laundry Sunday--if there's any downtime, plenty to read. I need my batteries to recharge--the next few weeks (even from this distance) are looking hectic. Do I hear the siren song of caffeine beckoning in the background?


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