
Monday, August 01, 2005

Weekend rewind (but wait... there's more!)

A really good weekend, if I may be so bold. The Punch Line mixing session was not our penultimate; rather, it started with a small stroke of bad luck as a woofer blew on one of the studio monitor speakers, thus putting a cramp in our objectives. We soldiered on, sharing ideas, likes and dislikes as per certain mixes and things are turning out great. A genuine group effort. The album still has work to go, but I don't mind the care and time lavished on making this sound right. Happiest accident: Chris' rough mix of "Someone" sounds nearly done after just one attempt. Minor details in cleaning up the track, but God, when you listen to it, it's lively and punchy and powerful; everything sounds right and pretty well balanced. This is how all mix sessions should go--unlike the torture of when we recorded "The Wild Flowers" or when I was in Smile and we did that disastrous e.p. This has been a pleasure.

Yesterday was a chore day, although we skipped the gym. Car wash/mega-cleaning, buy stuff to keep the car organized, organize the house, etc. Groceries, lunch, laundry--all in all, a busy afternoon. That and starting the process of looking for a new car. And not so married to the Mini, either. Really like this, actually.

The new sleeve for my iBook arrived; so did the other stuff I ordered. I am a happy boy.


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