
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Weekend rewind (duty now for the future)

Hmmm... nothing spectacular or heavy-duty to report, truthfully. A quiet Friday night; a typically-chore laden Saturday morning. The heat this weekend was turned up, so after coming home from grocery shopping, Liz and I ordered in from this fab new local Italian eatery, then trekked out in the late afternoon for Italian ices; this place (the ORIGINAL) will be the only thing I'll miss, once we move off Staten Island. Sunday was an early jaunt to the gym and a drive into New Jersey for fun food and some light/inexpensive shopping.

Ah, yes--I did finally buy a Treo 650 on Friday--I'm still waiting for it to be delivered and for PalmOne to call me back, as they left a message yesterday. Inconvenient, but I'll bite my lip and be patient for the moment. I think also this week I will be ordering the iBook. After lengthy phone conversations with both Bob (Friday night) and Brian (Saturday afternoon), they seem to be moving in that direction and I don't feel like being left behind! With that said, I also want to start moving/clearing my files (especially the ones for Synchronic and The Punch Line) off the iMac and onto the new machine, as I'll actually be able to work on the website from home with the new toy. Ah, say what you will--modern technology is a cool thing. I was wrong for prior outbursts!

Spoke to brother Raymond last night; glad to hear that he and the family are well and safe in London. Good to hear his voice and a relief, to be honest.

Gym tonight; bringing lunch and changing up my diet yet again to healthier, organic foods--while I feel pretty good physically, I haven't seen a numeric drop in my weight, so time to get on with the necessary amendments. Besides, it's too hot to eat anything heavy. Is that a feasible excuse?


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