
Monday, April 14, 2008

Strange but not surreal

I really can't put my finger on how, why and what is happening around me lately, so I won't even attempt to explain. It would be an act of futility. However, I have to say there have been many interesting remergences of people from my past - at another time and age, I might have been a little freaked out by it or downright reject any form of contact. But now it's seems to be a steady stream of new old-comers. At this point and age, it's nice. I'm glad of a fresh audience with rekindling old friends who, like myself, would like to be seen as we are now, not who we were then.


Some cases and points: on a ferry ride home, I was sitting and listening to my iPod and this rather burly, ominious looking biker dude just stopped and stood in front of me, smiling. I looked at him and strangely, I was immediately catapulted back 29 years to the beginning of high school, rather than being shit scared. Instictively, the only thing I could say to this guy was "do you still remember the words to "Whiskey Man"?" and he just burst out laughing--he was my best friend in freshman and sophomore year--haven't seen him since he left the school. We talked for the duration of the ride and exchanged numbers with the idea of getting together on his boat (which we used to do even back then) or having dinner together with our wives. Almost seems like something "adults" do--and then I remember...


Or hearing from a dear friend who I not only went to college with, but played in a band with. Happy to hear that he and his family are well; expecting another child and that life is good to him. It's nice to share the "latest", even if we live in completely different universes. Those who always matter--time can pass and the ability to pick up the conversation is still there.


On the more spiritually-inclined plane, I'm starting to come out of the coma I was in. I can actually feel it; the fact that I'm back to being more even-keeled and less-stressed. Being able to relax and actually convince myself that I'm relaxed--that's a nice feeling again. And this leads me back to the desire to resume working on ...Arlington Line. Nonetheless, the forecast for the weekend looks good--the usual chores tomorrow and a nice lunch planned; some recording time late in the day; gym on Sunday and spend time with my dad as he gets (hopefully) nearer to getting out of the rehab nursing home and back to the assisted living home. I also need to update the website a bit and generally tie up some very loose ends.

Now get out there and enjoy the amazing weather.


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