A public service announcement
I jinxed myself yesterday by saying how good I was feeling and how much restful sleep I'd been getting--naturally, I've been bothered by this weirdness in my throat and last night, I dozed off, then woke up and couldn't fall asleep again until about 1 a.m., at which time I slept on the couch. I feel that strange semi-ill discomfort, which I'll hopefully shake off by class, which is at 1 p.m. About that, I've been doing my reading and getting a feel for what the illustrious Heow is trying to get across about XP programming. It would be something if I actually can learn and be productive at something other than music and writing.
At the same time, writing (in general) has been a reawakened love. Be it here or jotting down bits of verse, etc., it's given me a sense of pleasure all over again. I was reading through some of the blogs that I regularly visit and came across my comrade and fellow-forward thinker, Le Fig, whose sense of prose and wit are a rare commodity in this day of self-indulgent wanking off and downright obnoxiousness. Her writings are a breath of fresh air and once again, I found myself in complete agreement on a public nuisance that I will expound upon one step further.
She commented on parenting and kids in crowded stores--let's take that one step further. This morning as I got off the ferry, a man picked his daughter up (I'd guess she was 3 years old) and carried her as passengers began to disembark. Absolutely the right thing to do. Why is it such an act is rare? Why do so many of these insipid/ill-mannered/dumb-as-a-shit-sandwich fuckwits always let their brats push their own strollers and take their time going up the stairs or block the way when you're simply trying to get to and fro on crowded public transportation? Why do these foul-mouthed yobs have these awful children who run rampant in every public forum/facility possible? Because they keep having children. Idiots breed idiots. And as long as these recalcitrants, visigoths and subhuman cretins continue to pollute the Earth with their wretched progeny, we will continue to suffer for it. Dirt-eating little turds grow to be stupid, uneducated couch jockeys and future mothers-at-14. This is why I am a proponent of forced sterilization. Stop the madness. End idiot-breeding. Oh, and your kid isn't special. Whether the little brat uses a big word (it's called "mimicry", you stupid piece of shit--all little children do it) or your teenager actually didn't get a "D" in study period, I don't care. You aren't the first and only people to spawn these monstrosities. This is why I keep company with those who are (currently) childless. With the exception of my beloved Sydney and Zach, I just can't stand kids, because I can't stand their parents. The last time Liz and I were trapped in one of those situations, it was this awful woman babbling on and on about her (dear God, ugly isn't the word) little bastard (correct use of the term here--if you don't know, buy a fucking dictionary and look it up) hell-spawn starting to read and gushing about how wonderful it was--except that the fucking kid is nearly 3. If your kid can't do the ABC's by then, put the kid down. For the love of God and the good of humanity.
Deep breath. Okay. I am back to center gravity. Go here:
Timbuk 2
Some of the coolest, most stylish bags I've seen in years. And yes, I can't help but be partial to a bag that shows a bunch of Mods on scooters as part of its' ad. I just bought one at The Apple Store and it's just right. Liz has said more times than I can count that I am a bag whore. In my defense, while it was true in the past, I've kept it limited to maybe two over the last two or three years.
Much as it pains me to say it (although I will not act upon it), I'm jonesing for one of those Starbucks Java Chip Frappaccinos. Either Java Chip or the coffee-free Strawberry Creme. What the hell is happening to me?
At the same time, writing (in general) has been a reawakened love. Be it here or jotting down bits of verse, etc., it's given me a sense of pleasure all over again. I was reading through some of the blogs that I regularly visit and came across my comrade and fellow-forward thinker, Le Fig, whose sense of prose and wit are a rare commodity in this day of self-indulgent wanking off and downright obnoxiousness. Her writings are a breath of fresh air and once again, I found myself in complete agreement on a public nuisance that I will expound upon one step further.
She commented on parenting and kids in crowded stores--let's take that one step further. This morning as I got off the ferry, a man picked his daughter up (I'd guess she was 3 years old) and carried her as passengers began to disembark. Absolutely the right thing to do. Why is it such an act is rare? Why do so many of these insipid/ill-mannered/dumb-as-a-shit-sandwich fuckwits always let their brats push their own strollers and take their time going up the stairs or block the way when you're simply trying to get to and fro on crowded public transportation? Why do these foul-mouthed yobs have these awful children who run rampant in every public forum/facility possible? Because they keep having children. Idiots breed idiots. And as long as these recalcitrants, visigoths and subhuman cretins continue to pollute the Earth with their wretched progeny, we will continue to suffer for it. Dirt-eating little turds grow to be stupid, uneducated couch jockeys and future mothers-at-14. This is why I am a proponent of forced sterilization. Stop the madness. End idiot-breeding. Oh, and your kid isn't special. Whether the little brat uses a big word (it's called "mimicry", you stupid piece of shit--all little children do it) or your teenager actually didn't get a "D" in study period, I don't care. You aren't the first and only people to spawn these monstrosities. This is why I keep company with those who are (currently) childless. With the exception of my beloved Sydney and Zach, I just can't stand kids, because I can't stand their parents. The last time Liz and I were trapped in one of those situations, it was this awful woman babbling on and on about her (dear God, ugly isn't the word) little bastard (correct use of the term here--if you don't know, buy a fucking dictionary and look it up) hell-spawn starting to read and gushing about how wonderful it was--except that the fucking kid is nearly 3. If your kid can't do the ABC's by then, put the kid down. For the love of God and the good of humanity.
Deep breath. Okay. I am back to center gravity. Go here:
Timbuk 2
Some of the coolest, most stylish bags I've seen in years. And yes, I can't help but be partial to a bag that shows a bunch of Mods on scooters as part of its' ad. I just bought one at The Apple Store and it's just right. Liz has said more times than I can count that I am a bag whore. In my defense, while it was true in the past, I've kept it limited to maybe two over the last two or three years.
Much as it pains me to say it (although I will not act upon it), I'm jonesing for one of those Starbucks Java Chip Frappaccinos. Either Java Chip or the coffee-free Strawberry Creme. What the hell is happening to me?
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