
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

This and that

Today is the 16th anniversary of my mother's death. I don't intend to get maudlin or weepy over it; it just dawned on me this morning. Last year, I actually stayed home from work to be alone and think about it in the peace and quiet of solitude. It was a grey, miserable day. This morning-- sunny, cool, delicious. And I don't feel anything about it. No more no less need be said.

Looking forward to the end of the week. It's been good; I seem to be surrounded by positive vibes, both in The Punch Line's circle and with my friends/extended family. A busy stretch, to be sure, but I seem to thrive more and more as I have X amount of activities, etc. on my plate. On that musical high note of the moment, Chris sent a very rough first mix of "Bitter Sweet" (sans keyboard and second guitar, naturally) and I have to say, I'm pleased. Obviously, it isn't done, but if it sounds this good this early, I'm hopeful that the end result is the desired result.

In getting off the ferry the last two mornings, I came to the not-so-stunning conclusion that I will not miss Staten Island one iota. I've exhausted my supplies and ideas on how to enjoy the place I grew up in; it's really become alien to me. The people seem to be such awful cookie-cutter cliches of gaudiness and audacity with an over-abundance of uneducated ill-manners. As Liz and I were driving across the Island last night on a rare mid-week coffee date, we rode through the richest, most exclusive area, Todt Hill. All I could think was "you may have money to live in this neighborhood, but it still doesn't afford you taste or class". Yes, I am a snob and I am not apologetic about it. Better to associate with no one than riff-raff. Say what you will, but lowlife/white trash is neither entertaining or acceptible in my world. The best thing about that is I don't come from money. Just good parents.

Once this week is over, it's back to strict discipline and my regimented workouts. I have to confess, with all that I have going on around me this week (department dinner, Brian's visit, etc.), I haven't had the energy to spend the time at the gym. For once, I won't be feeling guilty as time just isn't on my side and I have been very good about my dietary habits. That doesn't excuse me from keeping in step with my fitness/well-being. Every now and then, I have to cut myself a little slack.

Can't wait for June--iBook! I received an e-mail yesterday for a pre-order of Tiger (OS 10.4), but I'll be getting that with the iBook anyway. Just makes me more and more anticipatory. I know once I get it, I'll be able to really shape the whole Synchronic Entertainment thing the exact way I want it in terms of organization, etc. That and Wi-Fi will free me up when I need to work alone in the studio room or not be in Liz' way when she's trying to diffuse from the workday by trying to watch TV in the living room.

Funny--I used to get excited when new albums came out. Now I'm amped about a computer. Once again proving my earlier theory...

Oh, and Britney Spears is pregnant... why does anyone give a shit?


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