
Thursday, June 02, 2005

Getting it back without the fanfare

For the last few days, I've been feeling under the weather again. Not mentally, just an odd "off"-ness physically. Really makes me wonder and worry a little. I won't harp on it, but it's becoming a drag. If there's any consolation, it seems a lot of people I speak with have been experiencing the same thing. Maybe it's just a case of yet another malady going around, but how many times in how many months?

Looking back at my previous post, as I suspected, I'm already over the Monday situation. Like I said, we got work done. I'm glad that this project is coming to an end, as I've often wondered if I'd lose my pleasure with these songs--the tedium of recording it the way we had; the fact that some of these songs (at the core) were written nearly 20 years ago and so on. Plus (and this is something Bob and I have discussed) , these songs at this moment in time don't seem to be particularly representative of us anymore. I think he and I certainly have grown beyond the (this is NOT a bad word) "pop" elements of this album. This was a lush, all-encompassing, painstakingly well-crafted album that embodies everything we (certainly I) loved in our (my) musically formative years, but from the self-critical eye, it's an album that really was made with our hands in the past. I will say that the songs I'm working on now/ready to deliver to The Punch Line are (and I know I've said this before) a lot more bare bones; a denser and harder (dare I say darker) sound and the lyrics are far more "mature" (can't think of any other way to phrase it). It isn't a knock or dismissal of get to the other side--quite the contrary. I stand by what I've said about this record--I love it; I'm proud of it. But okay--The Punch Line's long-overdue springboard has been launched and now it's time to show the progression of nature and our talents as The Punch Line.

Aside from the fact that the album's been wrapped up (for all intents and purposes), I'm starting to calmly get my head back together about taking care of myself again. No doubt about it--I definitely fucked up over the last 2 1/2 months. I'm glad that I have a better sense of recognition about it all now--get the diet back on track (and no, that doesn't mean some bandwagon-jumping fad diet); get back to regular, regimented workouts (like tonight); keep solid with my SY practice and generally clean out the mental cobwebs that I let be woven since the spring began. Been reading a lot again, to keep my mind and my conversational skills primed and socializing with the right people--people who bring me up and can ruminate on any topic, rather than the suffocation of unidimensional conversation.

All in all, as I write this, I can see the clarity of thought--not the incessant ramblings of an angry dude.


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