
Monday, January 23, 2006

Weekend rewind (knock me over with a feather...)

What can I say? I think this captures it all, really.

The long vision; what had been in my mind for ages is real and done and looks fantastic. Pride, much emotion and a sense of some disbelief that the art matches the music perfectly and best of all, this was a group effort.

Elaboration: the intention yesterday was for us to get together and drive to this abandoned train station Chris told us about in Harriman, New York; it was just to have something and maybe be able to come up with some ideas. After taking the pictures (which took about 15 minutes in all), we headed back to Chris' house and didn't even realize we were working on the design until we pulled the templates and laid out the entire package. Then it became a case of doing it all--the credits, the photos for the inside--all of it.

Now we can send this off to be manufactured and let the music speak for itself. As I feel with the songs, so do I feel the same about the presentation. It's a complete package and I absolutely love it.


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