
Friday, January 09, 2009

Bitter cold; warm thoughts

Having turned 44 two days ago, it's been an interesting period to feel one's age. I look in the mirror and see more grey in my beard than in my hair, which is still thick and not receding, thank God. Yet, I still feel (on a social/moral platform) that I have as much to think about and process as I did when I was younger. The difference between then and now, as a dear friend pointed out, is that I'm far more tolerant than I was, while being more direct than I used to be--I would say that's a damned accurate assessment.

Things are beginning to really take shape with these new songs; I'm enjoying the process again and by meeting new people, it isn't unrealistic to think that playing in a band setting can be fun/pleasurable/meaningful as long as you don't get sucked into anyone else's egotrips, delusions or power-play. I know who's manning this ship and that's how it will remain for the tenure I do this. It's not arrogance; it's wanting to do things right--if it's your vision, it should stay as such.

As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't any truth behind the persistent Punch Line question. So I will say there is no reunion.

My fluctuation between wanting to break away from my patented 12-string sound seems to have abated; if anything, my renewed love of the aforementioned guitar has helped reinvigorate my enthusiasm for the songs.

All other things being equal, satisfaction for me is currently guaranteed.


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