
Monday, June 06, 2005

Weekend rewind (reconnect/disconnect)

Happy accident on the ferry ride home Friday night; ran into one of my cousins, whom I haven't seen since our gandmother's funeral a year ago. He seems like a really nice kid; I hope this is the start of a re-establishment of ties. As the hero (elder statesman/cousin Marc) once said, not too long ago, "we are not our parents and we haven't any excuses". So it was a good start to the 48-hour respite from the city.

Ran the usual Saturday errands, albeit with Starbucks and without having to drive into Jersey; Brotherman came over for dinner; I cooked (got to love that Greek yogurt dressing for the chicken); he bought wine and many pints of ale--shandies were made and drunk by all and undoubtedly, a good time was had by the three of us while his lovely (new) lady was away. Watched "The Decline Of Western Civilization" and forgot how truly awful some of those bands were. I also had the chance to test drive (so to speak) my main man's '62 Fender Jaguar. Jesus, that was sweet. Has a great feel and sound and as soon as it was in my hands, I was doing my best Tom Verlaine-isms. While all this was going on, Liz had the happy surprise of an e-mail from her long-missing-in-action best friend, the lovely Courtney (who was our witness at our wedding).

Puttered about yesterday after a quick trip to pick up some new (and incredibly tasteful) dishes; after 3 years, you get tired of the same damn cups and plates. Installed the air conditioners and had some welcome relief from the sudden sweltering heat. Was lazy; will do laundry tonight and get my ass to the gym tomorrow. It really is time.

The one thing that really shocked me and I'm still a bit surprised at the how-and-why is the end of the New York City "oldies" radio station, WCBS. This has been a staple of the airwaves since I was a child and it's now become this generic hodgepodge of bullshit that I have no desire to hear. This is proof again that the inevitability is if you want to listen to the radio and hear something you like, you have no alternatvive but to subscribe to satellite. I prefer NPR at this stage of the game, but every now and then, I enjoyed hearing something like "Judy In Disguise With Glasses" or "No Milk Today" coming out of the car stereo with that amazing AM-styled echo. It's a sad state of affairs; as The Impostor said, quite rightly, "the radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools, trying to anaesthetize the way that you feel". God only knows, it's so innocuously dull on the airwaves, there's no need for medication--it'll bore you to sleep. A downer, I know.


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