
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hope of deliverance

It looks like the winter is finally leaving, albeit more than a week after spring officially began.  And not too soon; it's been a dark, cold and very sad few months.  The rebirth and renewal that spring offers is needed sorely - certainly by me.

I'm fine, more or less.  Things are improving, progressing, ever moving in positive directions - some things not as quickly as others, but okay - patience is always required for anything truly good.  But I don't think I'm the only one who has found it challenging and trying to maintain one's sense of balance in these recent times.  Thus, with the sun shining as it did today, it makes me feel like sitting down, focusing and jotting down my thoughts, which help me remain fresh.

Now comes April - I can take a little rain.  But let there be some warmth to complement it...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Out like a lion (or the light at the end of the tunnel)

It's taken me a while to shake off the pain and sadness after learning of my ex-girlfriend's passing; there's no way to accurately describe what I feel (still), but I know it will remain with me for some time to come.  However, life is about living, going forward and doing so with clarity and reason.  And in the aftermath of this, I feel like I've regained a sense of control that had still been lacking for some time - frustrating, to say the least, infuriating to say the most.  And now I can see things as they should be - again.  I feel like I've begun to pull myself together and things are starting to take shape the way I want them to be and go.

Physically, mentally, spiritually - I've tried to regain and maintain the balance with some faltering along the way in the not-too-distant past.  Now I feel like there's a sense of harmony coming back together again.  Strange - how tragedy can make you stop and shake off the cobwebs and remember that we're only here briefly.  Better get up and on with it again.  In the right way.