
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Turn the page; turn the corner...

I thought I'd wait a few days after my birthday to post.  Turning 59 sounds and feels a little surreal, honestly.  I've been doing this blog since I was 39 and THAT was an oddity!  But now, I do feel the pangs of time and age creeping up with me.  And yes, I am well aware that it's reality.  It doesn't make it any better or easier.  

The world itself is simply on a one-way runaway crash course with itself.  I have little-to-no time or desire to speak with people, save for what I need to do as far as work goes; my friendships no longer have any great meaningfulness, I'm sorry to say.  I don't trust most people and "friends" have proven themselves to be the least trustworthy or deserving of time and effort.  Not being a fatalist or negative - I just see everyone and everything as they are now,  I don't want to spend an afternoon "reminiscing" or talking about nonsense.  It's just unnecessary and wasteful.

By turning 59, I'm lightening the load.  I don't need excess or abundant anything in my life - not people; not items - nothing.  I'm working/focusing more on contentment and peace.  It's good for the mind and body.