
Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Around and around and around...

While I'm still not feeling 100% healthy - some discomforts remain from the infection - I have a new host of headaches to contend with.  My health insurance is denying my hospitalization stay - and their findings are transparently incorrect and made-up.  The most egregious is their stating that I did not need to be hospitalized for my fever and could have been treated with "observation".  When you have sepsis, the only way to be treated is on an I.V. in a hospital.  That and them saying "a board certified cardiovascular doctor has seen your records" - this was urology, not a cardiovascular issue.  But it's also evident - as I am not alone - that insurance companies are denying claims so that people will tire and not fight them.  And they picked the wrong person.  I will fight this through their administrative process to the very end and if I exhaust that proper route, I will get a lawyer.

The sudden change of season - not a gradual transition - has shaken me awake, in a good way.  The colder air has allowed me to get better sleep; I'm a bit more aware and I feel more active.  Doing things that I had put off or was lackadaisical about getting done is in the rear view mirror, even if it's little tasks and items.  It's helped me re-establish a sense of accomplishment and I appreciate it wholly.

So I have no idea what's next.  I do know that now that Mercury Retrograde is over, a shitty period has come to an end.  It's time to plan ahead, but not too far.