Feeling the space...
Today feels like a proper May day. It's a beautiful, clear day - comfortable, full of sun and helping me deal with the daily madness of work and commuting. It's also a day to celebrate the birthdays of one of my ex-bandmates and my uncle.
May is, as everyone knows, traditionally my favorite month. The two people I love most in the world were born in May (as were a few others); it was in May that Susan and I met and would spend 7-plus years together; one of the most meaningful relationships I ever had began in May - and even though it's a painful event, my dad passed in May. But I think we were all ready for when he went and it was peaceful and dignified.
The month always signifies good things to me - I don't know if it's because as a child, I aligned it with the baseball season ramping up and getting going (and me usually being taken to see the Mets play), but rather than pontificate on the "why"'s and a deeper context, I'm just going to soak it in and enjoy as much as I can while it lasts.