
Friday, March 15, 2024

March of times...

The countdown is on; the clocks have been set forward an hour and then spring will finally be here in another four days.  I can't wait.  Having been feeling so good and so different, the change of seasons only brings better, more (inevitably) optimistic feelings.  These positive vibes I attribute to the recent purging of parts from my past life.

It's an interesting thing - when you actually stop and take a long, hard think and reassess/re-evaluate everything; who you are, who you thought you were and who you would like to and should be.  If you have a sense of balance, perspective and reason, you wind up thinking clearly, rationally and pointing your own way forward.  It's hard to explain, but my best guess is that you know this is that "final chapter" phase - not in a morbid way - and that there are still good things ahead and life can be enjoyed in a different fashion - you just can't keep being who you were.

Regardless, I do feel pretty good (especially after a 21-pound weight loss - and going for more); as soon as my shoulder starts healing, it's back to the gym and I'm now looking forward to a week away in August (LONG overdue).

So spring has a lot of happy table settings ahead!