
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September song #4 (the turnaround)

All of a sudden, we've gone from swelter and heavy humidity to cool, almost jacket weather in the blink of an eye.  Although we were smart and got our flu shots this past Saturday (a month earlier than usual), I hope this change doesn't make me sick.  I'm being cautious, especially since we're still in an unsafe state due to COVID-19.  

The likeliness of us going back to work full-time in the office isn't happening now until January, it seems.  If I'm being honest, I'm fine with that; actually happy.  I like the balance I've been able to find of working from home and going in to pick up checks and mail, etc. twice a week or so.  I've been able to save money in not having to get a MetroCard for the subway, buying lunch and, frankly, not having to go into the city if it isn't necessary.  I like the peace and quiet; I'm not someone who needs stimuli to keep me sustained.  Throughout this period, I've tried to make this as positive an experience as I could and it's worked.  We're safe, healthy, working and doing what needs to be done to avoid contracting the coronavirus.

I know people are tired of staying indoors; certainly, businesses need to be allowed to reopen and some sense of normalcy needs to return.  But if you're able to do what we've done, patience and calm will help navigate the ship into safe harbor.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Time passes (the gardener of Eden)

The summer came and went; it's Labor Day and we're still on the collective treadmill.  While others have let this situation overtake them in a negative emotional direction, I haven't (and I'm very proud to say that).  I've used the time wisely - went for medical examinations, tried to clear out my internal and external closets and allowed things to just be.  To let nature run its course, along with the realities of the pandemic.

It's been a time of changes, both for the good and the sad - just the dissolution of a long-time friendship that I don't understand exactly how it became undone.  When emails, texts and messages go unanswered and you find out surreptitiously via social media that this close, completely trusted friend has moved away and doesn't let you know, it gives you pause.  But as I get older, I don't spend too much time contemplating it - I just let it go.  It's all you can do.  Say goodbye and wish them the best.

There's still more good things to look forward to - that's what I prefer to focus and concentrate on.  As should we all.