
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wait and see (redux)

Tomorrow is the follow-up urologist appointment after last Thursday's MRI.  I'm a bit shaky and nervous and hope there isn't anything serious (except an obviously enlarged prostate).  It's also the last appointment before the aquablation procedure on October 10th.  

Truth be told, I've been getting bent out of shape - right or wrong - whenever I think about it.  I know it's a brief, non-cutting procedure, but it's surgery, which I've never had.  I have to have a catheter for five days after I come home and then have to go across the Island to have the urologist remove it at his office.  I fear the pains of the aftermath and how long it will take to recuperate.  I know a lot of it is irrational fear but I am scared.  It's not like something you do as a precaution, like a colonoscopy (which this summer will be time for another) - I don't know, but I'm definitely not in the best of head spaces right now.

I'm thankful for having had the vacation so I didn't/wouldn't be thinking about all this.  But now the reality is right in front of me and all I can hope for is nothing as a result of the MRI.