
Thursday, January 29, 2009

...and on we go...

...and as I was saying, sometimes the song writes itself. Absolutely. Been working (not scribbling, etc.) on something called "Reconnections and Tides", which I think speaks for itself as per the subject matter. Just something reflective about the here and now--especially this last month or so. I haven't wanted to comment on joy and happiness in my lyrics; it's a highly personal thing, since it's based on pleasure and my own spiritual centered-ness. However, I'm willing to concede that with all the recent meetings of minds and hearts around me, it isn't difficult to be able to put the experience into cohesive words.

The new Guild is getting a daily workout; as much as it pains me to say it, I think I love this guitar even more than my now-retired Madeira.

I'm trying to continue surfing on this vibe of positivity in light of everything I see--both around me and in the news. The devastation of lives by simple greed and mismanagement is something I could easily and readily harp on but I won't. I will say that I have been through it enough and I know; I understand and I feel for everyone that's caught in this tangled web.

Even though it's bitter cold, the sun is shining and I wil have to feed off that for a while...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yes, I am in agreement with literally everyone else in the world that yesterday was exhilirating; now comes the reality that President Obama has the unenviable task of cleaning up the mountain of shit left behind, courtesy of the previous administration. Putting people back to work; stabilizing the economy and getting our troops out of Iraq are no easy feat. I can only hope and pray for him and Vice-President Biden.

Having said that, business as usual equals the idea that "sometimes the song writes itself". I agree with that theory.

More later.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just another memory

I just read on Coolfer that the Virgin Megastore in Times Square is closing down in April. Such a shame. Not that I've shopped there in a while, but really, every time I turn around, something else that was a bright(er) light in this city disappears. The store, if I remember correctly, opened up in '96; a short life of 13 years, but it was a music lover's wet dream (at the outset). In typical greed mixed with the instability of the times, it isn't a surprise, but it's still sad. God knows, I spent many hours in that store, buying music, books, sometimes clothes; browsing, enjoying the decent food they had at the cafe--and it's one for the ages.

Tomorrow, I should receive my (belated) Xmas/birthday present to myself.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Bitter cold; warm thoughts

Having turned 44 two days ago, it's been an interesting period to feel one's age. I look in the mirror and see more grey in my beard than in my hair, which is still thick and not receding, thank God. Yet, I still feel (on a social/moral platform) that I have as much to think about and process as I did when I was younger. The difference between then and now, as a dear friend pointed out, is that I'm far more tolerant than I was, while being more direct than I used to be--I would say that's a damned accurate assessment.

Things are beginning to really take shape with these new songs; I'm enjoying the process again and by meeting new people, it isn't unrealistic to think that playing in a band setting can be fun/pleasurable/meaningful as long as you don't get sucked into anyone else's egotrips, delusions or power-play. I know who's manning this ship and that's how it will remain for the tenure I do this. It's not arrogance; it's wanting to do things right--if it's your vision, it should stay as such.

As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't any truth behind the persistent Punch Line question. So I will say there is no reunion.

My fluctuation between wanting to break away from my patented 12-string sound seems to have abated; if anything, my renewed love of the aforementioned guitar has helped reinvigorate my enthusiasm for the songs.

All other things being equal, satisfaction for me is currently guaranteed.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Please explain

There are some things I cannot fathom and refuse to accept:

a) How do shows like "The Real Housewives Of ... (fill in the blank) get on and stay on the air? It's no wonder why the world hates us.

b) Why is Mitch McConnell the Republican minority leader? Every time I see him, he disturbs me. You know he's going to stonewall everything Obama's Cabinet will attempt to do. He's rather fishy looking, you know?

c) Why am I being besiged with questions about "what are you doing for your birthday?"... Nothing! At 44, I don't feel compelled to do anything except go to work and do my thing in the usual fashion.

d) How can people be so ignorant and/or blind to the fact that what Israel is doing in Gaza is simply self-preservation? It's all well and good when Hamas (or other Arab-terrorist based group) sends rockets/suicide bombers into various parts of Israel and kills hundreds of innocents on their way to work, school, etc. on a regular basis, but when the Israelis say "enough" and strike back, then the hands start ringing for the "poor Palestinian people". No, no sympathy here. I support Israel's actions wholeheartedly. Do not write me with your disagreement or rebuttals to what I'm saying. It's my opinion. This isn't up for debate.

e) When did Sting and Elvis Costello become so user-friendly? Although seeing The Police and Elvis with The Imposters playing "Sunshine Of Your Love" gave me the douchechills, I found Declan's interview with Gordon entertaining.

More later!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Quiet new beginnings

A few ruminations on a January Sunday morning after coffee...

New Year's Eve was a strange one; my wife and I had a nice afternoon before she had to work (in this economic climate, you do what you need to do); subsequently, the evening was spent quietly in front of the T.V. until it was time to pick her up at midnight. I drove out to her place of employment for her to get off work just before midnight--literally, not a soul nor car in the streets on an 18 degree night. However, it turned out no one was scheduled (due to a massive series of irresponsible mistakes by the dispatchers) to relieve her for the overnight shift; she and I wished one another a Happy New Year by cell phone and she told me to go home until possibly someone showed up. I woke up on the sofa at 3:40 to hear the door open and she came in, cheerful, cold but completely awake, after having walked the distance home--she didn't want to wake me. So we poured a glass of wine each to belatedly toast (neither one of drink as a rule) and went to sleep.

Tomorrow is my return to the normalcy of the working week. This two week vacation has been wonderfully relaxing; spent reading, unwinding and feeling generally good. I'm not in any particular mindset concerning the newly-begun year; I'd like to remain healthy and happy as I've been these last few months. Whatever happens musically will simply happen. I've already been asked about whether or not The Punch Line will get back together. Just last night, during our dinner with friends, the question came up again. My only answer is that I don't know as I am not in contact with the other members of the band; again, if there is some truth to this, I'd appreciate a phone call or an e-mail for the sake of clarification. If there is truth to it, I'd be intrigued to know if there is a specific plan and then I would simply make the necessary preparations. I don't see any reasons to look at the past cycles with the band as anything negative by virtue of hoping that with time and age, everyone is in a better place and that playing music together does not necessitate the need to be an insulated unit (if that makes sense). We all have lives; I have a family, friends, a job and a band should be looked upon as just a pleasurable pastime. So, again, I don't know. I do know that my own music-making has become fun again and it's progressing nicely.

All that being said, it's time to shower and run a few minor errands.